Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Friendship , When is it real ?

When is a friendship real ? A friendship is real when you know no matter what happens , that person has your back . A friendship is real when you can laugh together , cry in front of each other , make bad decisions together , and fix them as a team . A friendship is real when they become more like family then just a 'Friend' . Finally a friendship is real when you can tell each other everything about one another without fear of rejection or judging .
How can you tell ? Sometimes you wont know with out trial and error . As heart breaking as it may be , sometimes the only way you find out is by having a 'friend' bail out on you or judge you . It happens to every one at one point in time or another .
I have been thinking a lot lately about memories I have acquired over the years , then 7th grade came to mind . See , in English class one day , a friend of mine and I came up with these candy nick names for one another and made one for one of our other friends . By mid-lunch period , everyone at our school had a 'Candy Name' . We decided it would just be us three , though . As time progressed , we added two more girls to our group . We called ourselves 'The Kandi Krew' . These girls were the four closest girls to me at that point in time , and I was ecstatic about our group . We would tell one another things we couldnt tell another soul . The problems comes in here . As I look back on it now , I realize , the entire foundation of that group was ... almost fake . I mean , our commitment to the group was real , but our commitment to each other was misguided . We didn't tell all of the group everything like we had promised , and we didn't try getting closer to the girls we didn't know as well . Sure we had cool name , but looking back on it now , we were fooling ourselves all year . Guess hein sight is 20/20 huh ?
But today , a girl , who was never in that group , is now my closest and best female friend . She is a true friend , and she is basically my sister . She is 3 days older than me , shares my same personality traits , and most importantly is always there for me . Of coarse , I will never forget my Kand Krew friends , but this girl , that I met at the same time , is the one I truly look to when I'm in need , and she's always the one to fall back on . And that , is when you know you have a true friend . <3

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