To me they can be connected yet very separate .
So , I am in high school , and I am about to take an Arts and Crafts class with my best friend .
My teacher says that we will be doing paintings , working with charcoal , and making collages . Now that all sounds very crafty , but art is a little different to me . Not that art can't be any of those things , but that it means more .
To me art is an expression of personality , an outlet so to speak . Art is a way of saying out loud what your words have failed to communicate . Not to mention , art is not just about coloring and glitter . Art is music , dance , painting , drawling , opera , poetry , art is in everything . I'm not sure who it is that made the activity of crafting , "Arts and Crafts" , but they obviously don't see it from the perspective that I do , and I know I am not the only one .

I had a friend in middle school who talked a lot , but could never really say what she meant , but she was and amazing sketch artist . Her pictures are some of the most amazing things you could imagine coming from such a young girl .
I had a few friends that wrote poetry when they couldn't articulate how they felt . It's not just an outlet for depression or anger . It can be a way of saying how happy you are , or how much you love someone . Art just makes things easier . Even if you aren't the best at drawing or painting , you may be good at writing or sewing . That's right , sewing is art too ! Anything you conjure up with your hands is ART !
The most important thing about art , is never , EVER , being ashamed of yours . If you draw something , write something , sew something , mold something , OWN IT .

-Elle ♫
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