Flowers are my most favorite thing to take pictures of , but I also take pictures of trees and lakes , cause to me it's all beautiful .

Photography is all about lighting . The way the light reflects on the object you're capturing , and hits the lens of your camera is the key to a perfect picture . An interesting fact that I've learned over my picture taking time , no matter what you are photographing , sun light is always the best light . The picture looks more natural and the lighting is almost always perfect .
Shadows are pretty cool in photography as well , when the light deflects the image on to another surface , is just beautiful . If you couldn't already tell , picture taking is a passion of mine ! I cannot go one week without taking pictures . I find beauty in every aspect of nature and I do anything to capture that beauty on camera . A lot of people think you may need an expensive camera , and extra lights , a flash , a gyroscope , etc . Honestly , all the amazing pictures I have taken , I took with my cell phones .
If you want to get into photography find something that you like to take pictures of , something that you capture well , and take tons of pictures of it . As with any other thing , practice makes perfect ( :
-Elle ♫

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